2nd Route - Doltso
Temple of a newer architecture, built in 1857, and decorated in the same period of time, as it is embedded in a wall on the west side. The rhythm of the building is a three-aisled basilica and its decoration has been made by the painter Machairas, who has also painted other temples in Kastoria, such as St. Luke and St. Nicholas the Petrites. The temple has a wood-carved icon screen also from 1857, while its ceiling is decorated with elements used at the time to decorate the mansions of the area. Of the eight portraits mentioned in the inscription, two are saved, Saint Eutychios and Saint Sunday.
Doltso Square is also known as the Emmanuel Brothers Square. It is located in the lower part of the city. It was the oldest commercial center of the city with the greatest traffic and has been linked to the economic, social and cultural life of old Kastoria. The Doltsu area was the most densely populated area of Kastoria, and around the square there were many shops, and the market that served there served the surrounding areas. Various events took place in the square. That's where the carnival balls end up today after the parade. There they put the rosans on Easter. The square played an important role during the Ottoman domination. In 1872 the Turkish government wanted to sell it. The Christian community intervened in the Turkish authorities and managed to stay with it to use it for its amusements.
Single-nave basilica with an open porch on the south side. Saint Andrew of Karydis is an 18th-century monument, which has been repaired in the 19th century. In the interior you can admire the beautiful wood-carved iconostasis as well as the icons that it carries, which are placed in the year 1776. This information we get from the inscription on the icon of Saint Andrew. The icons of the iconostasis, which are saved in good condition, from left to right are: Saint Charalampos, the Three Hierarchs, Virgin Mary the Virgin Mary, Christ Pantocrator, St. John the Baptist, and St. Andrew's.
Small, one-storied temple located in the traditional settlement of Doltos, in the city of Kastoria. The wooden-royal basilica was built in the early 18th century in 1711. Today its wood-carved icon screen is preserved with five large icons and sections of the frescoes in the east and west parts of the church, while in the narthex the frescoes that survive are in poor condition. The wood-carved icon screen from left to right carries the following icons: Saint Athanasios, PanSaint Elpis, Christ Pantokrator, Saint Ioannis Prodromos and Saint Nikolaos, to which the temple is dedicated.
The Church of Agii Anargyroi can be visited in the traditional Doltsos area. The parish church belongs to the district of Karidi. One can admire its particular post-Byzantine character, while it concerns its architectural style, belongs to that of the three-aisled basilica. It is estimated that it was built around the middle of the 19th century. At the same site there used to be a smaller church, whose iconostasis and pictures appear to have been incorporated into the new building. However, as is usually the case for such structures, the iconostasis was re-decorated and the pictures were painted, apparently, in April 1864.
Saint Paraskevi is located in the traditional Doll area of Kastoria. A sacred building built on an older temple that had suffered serious damage in the late 19th century (built in 1899). The validity of this information is borne out by the icons present in the wood-carved temple, which precede the construction of the temple. Most of their hagiographies are painted, but it is not difficult to see that they are much older. There is a pencil inscription behind an image. The icons of the iconostasis from left to right are: Saint Achilles, Saint Charalampos, Virgin Mary, Christ Pantocrator, St. John the Baptist, Metamorphosis and St. Luke.